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Tuition and Financial Aid

Welcome to our Tuition and Financial Aid page. We're here to help you navigate the costs of education and explore opportunities for financial assistance, ensuring that your academic goals are within reach. At St. Mary OCS, making our school financially accessible is a top priority. We are proud to participate in the STEP UP Scholarship Program, offering additional support to qualifying families. Additionally, we provide in-house financial aid through our Faithful Futures Grant Program, designed to assist families who need further financial assistance to access quality Orthodox Christian education. Please review this page for detailed information on tuition, financial aid options, and scholarship programs. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or require further assistance — we're here to support you on your educational journey.

  • Kindergarten Tuition for 2024-2025


  • Grade 1 through 3


  • Grades 4 and 5


  • Transportation cost: $75 per week (price includes daily after school clubs!)

Payment Plans

At our school, we understand the importance of flexibility when it comes to managing tuition expenses. To ease the financial commitment, we offer various payment options, including annual, semi-annual, and monthly plans. Additionally, we appreciate the value of family and, as a gesture of support, offer sibling discounts. We're also proud to announce that we will be accepting the Step Up state scholarship program, further expanding opportunities for families to access quality education. Our commitment is to make education affordable and accessible for all, and we are dedicated to assisting you in finding the payment plan that best suits your needs and circumstances. 

Faithful Futures Grant Program


Welcome to our Faithful Futures Grant Program, where we are committed to supporting Orthodox Christian education for every family, all for the Glory of God. At St. Mary OCS, we believe that financial constraints should not hinder access to quality education rooted in faith. Our Faithful Futures Grant Program provides financial assistance to families who demonstrate need, ensuring that students receive a transformative educational experience that nurtures their spiritual growth and academic success. Through this program, we uphold our mission to make Orthodox Christian education accessible to all, empowering families to embrace our school community and thrive in their journey of faith and learning. Join us as we work together to cultivate a future where every child can benefit from the blessings of an Orthodox Christian education.

Once enrolled at St. Mary OCS, families can apply to our Faithful Futures Grant Program through our Family Portal. Please note that FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment will handle the financial need analysis; while we strive to support as many families as possible, grant amounts vary based on individual circumstances, and not every family is guaranteed financial assistance. We require families to finalize the application process for admission to our school and receive their enrollment acceptance email prior to applying for the Faithful Futures Grant Program. Together, let's begin this journey of faith and education, fostering a community where every family can thrive.


Want to stand behind our mission for quality Christian education for every family? Donate today!

Grant Program